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How to connect with your Guardian Angel

Writer's picture: Suzi EdwardsSuzi Edwards

Perhaps you remember hearing about having a Guardian Angel and asking them to protect you when you were much younger? Certainly, if you had a Christian upbringing, you will have been told to pray to your Guardian Angel for help and protection. But all of us have a Guardian Angel and can unlock our relationship with them if we take a bit of time to make the connection.

Think of your Guardian Angel as a spiritual guide who will help you through your path here on earth. As with any spiritual practice, it will become easier for you to connect with your Guardian Angel once you take the time to develop a relationship with them. You will be able to sense their presence and recognise the signs they send as guidance for the big decisions in your life. I often feel a presence or get an inkling of my next course of action when I take time out to communicate with my own Guardian Angel.

It’s also possible that you may have more than one angel looking over you.

So, how do you make a connection? As with any conversation, start by asking for your angel’s name….

How to connect with your Guardian Angel

Choose a quiet time and place where you can close the door and block any external energy. Calm your mind and body with deep breaths and release any tension. Try to still your mind and focus clearly on your angel. Ask your spiritual self to share the name of your Guardian Angel and open your mind to hear the name. It may take one or two attempts to accomplish this. If it doesn’t happen naturally, don’t worry. Offer a prayer and ask for the angel’s name to come to you.

It could also be that your Angel is happy for you to choose a name…..offer up a name that makes you feel safe, warm and protected. If you feel a connection developing, then choose this name, repeat it and say it aloud to make sure you are certain that is being sent out to the Universe.

Make sure you use your Guardian Angel’s name whenever you connect with them and ask them for comfort and guidance whenever you need it. If you are feeling or hearing more than one name, it could be that you are lucky enough to have more than one Guardian Angel looking out for you. Write down the name to reinforce your connection in your daily journal and to act as a reminder to connect with them regularly.

Signs your Guardian Angel is communicating with you

Be aware of the signs from your angel – Perhaps you’ve already noticed some signs, but have written them off as ‘coincidence’ or a ‘fluke’ but the more you focus on signs and ask for help, the more you will see! Sometimes, it might be a warm feeling or rush of energy through your body when you are mulling over a problem or challenge. Don’t ignore this – write it into your journal and meditate on it.

Ask your angel for help and be open to seeing the signs around you.

It could come as a flash or strong glow of light or the strong internal feeling I mentioned. Angels will use these prompts to get your attention, to literally make you ‘sit up and take notice’ that they are connecting with you.

Dreams are often signs of things to come. If you experience a dream more than once and awaken with the feeling that you are being told something – then it’s because you are – it’s as simple as that. Don’t push way the connection, take the time to meditate on the contents of the dream and see where it takes you. Sometimes, it’s an unexpected physical encounter or business opportunity that takes you in a different direction.

Keep your eyes open – not just in the physical world, but in the spiritual one too. The signs could be recurring numbers, cloud shapes, pictures you encounter in a shop or gallery……be open to seeing answers in the world around you.

Your Guardian Angel and Music

Make a musical connection with your Guardian Angel. Angels playing harps is an image we often see in art, and there’s a reason for this…. Music can reach all of us and move us spiritually. We all know how a favourite piece of music can sooth us when we’re upset or down or a lovely piece of music just makes us want to dance whenever we hear it!

If you are musical, then dedicating your own composition to your Guardian Angel would be a wonderful way to reinforce your connection. If that’s not something you’re able to do, then choosing a piece of music, song or tune that makes you feel peaceful, warm and happy and using it as a background to your Guardian Angel meditations is a great way to connect.

Keeping your eyes and ears open will serve you well and you will find that your ‘angel music’ pops up on the radio or TV or drifts from someone’s home as you pass by…..use this prompt as a reminder from your Guardian Angel to stay connected and reflect on what the signs they’re sending may mean.

Journaling with your Guardian Angel

Use your journal to write directly to your Angel – Creating a dedicated letter to your Guardian Angel is a great way to deepen your connection with them. Write to them by name and explain what’s weighing on your mind. Or if you have something to thank them for, make sure you take the time to offer thanks and acknowledge the love and protection they are bringing you.

  • Describe your emotions and be specific about the help you are asking for.

  • Don’t forget that your Angel will know what’s on your mind, so you can ask them to guide you towards different outcomes or send you a specific sign that a choice you are debating is the right thing to do.

  • Record your thanks too and use the journal to aid reflection and meditations on the future.

The most important thing to remember is that we all have access to support and guidance from Guardian Angels. Learning to tap into their power and help will take some time. Even if you’re not sure if what you are experiencing is ‘a sign’, make a note of it and then see what happens next. Don’t forget, all relationships need time and attention to make them flourish, create space in your life to get to know your Angel and build your relationship. Your Guardian Angel will steer you in the right direction if you allow them to!

Have a blessed week

Suzi xoxo

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