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Unlock Your Money Flow Through the Chakra System

Did you know that blockages and imbalances in your chakra system can cause blocks in your money flow?

The chakra system is an ancient energy system comprised of 7 main chakras, or energetic centres in the body. These 7 chakras are situated along the spine, from the base to the crown of the head. Each chakra is linked to certain emotions, physical sensations and thought patterns.

Each of these seven chakras are connected to different aspects of our lives and correspond to our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The first three main chakras–Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra–are focused on grounding us into the physical realm. The next three–Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra and Third Eye Chakra–explore how we navigate emotional expression and psychic awareness. Lastly, the Crown Chakra connects us to our higher power and Universal understanding. All seven of these energy centres interact with each other to create a holistic energy ecosystem.

There are also 5 etheric chakras that are even finer and higher vibrational than the physical chakras. They serve as conduits for energy, support the transfer of energy between our physical and spiritual bodies and can be used to enhance spiritual development.

In this article we will be looking at the 7 main chakras and your earth star chakra which is located about 12 inches below the feet and grounds us energetically to the Earth. And your soul star chakra which is located about 8-12 inches above the head and connects you to the more divine aspects of yourself.

Chakras and related money blocks

The Earth Star Chakra

The earth star chakra, located about 40cm below your feet and it is associated with one's connection to the physical world and the earths energy, grounding, stability and a sense of belonging. When this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can impact our relationship with money and financial abundance. Having a blocked Earth Star chakra in relation to money can manifest in a variety of ways, such as:

  1. Feeling disconnected from the physical world: You may feel disconnected from the physical world and have difficulty manifesting abundance in the material realm.

  2. Difficulty with practical financial matters: You may struggle with practical financial matters such as budgeting, saving, or investing.

  3. Lack of financial stability: You may experience financial instability or struggle to maintain a consistent income.

  4. Lack of trust in the material world: You may struggle to trust in the material world to provide for your financial needs.

The Root Chakra The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, is associated with our foundation, stability, and basic survival needs, including our physical body and our connection to the material world. When this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can impact our relationship with money and financial stability.

Having a blocked root chakra in relation to money can manifest in a variety of ways, such as:

  1. Financial insecurity: You may feel constantly worried or anxious about your finances, regardless of your actual financial situation.

  2. Difficulty earning money: You may struggle to find work or to earn enough money to support yourself.

  3. Overspending: You may have a tendency to overspend or to be impulsive with your money, which can lead to financial instability.

  4. Lack of abundance mindset: You may believe that there is a scarcity of money in the world and that it's difficult to come by, leading to a lack of abundance and prosperity.

The Sacral Chakra The sacral chakra, located in the lower abdomen, is associated with our emotions, creativity, pleasure, and abundance. When this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can impact our relationship with money and financial abundance.

Having a blocked sacral chakra in relation to money can manifest in a variety of ways, such as:

  1. Difficulty manifesting abundance: You may struggle to attract financial abundance or to manifest your financial goals, despite your efforts.

  2. Fear of financial success: You may feel a sense of guilt or shame around financial success or abundance, and may even sabotage your own financial growth.

  3. Lack of creativity in financial endeavours: You may struggle to find creative solutions to financial problems or to think outside the box when it comes to financial abundance.

  4. Overemphasis on material possessions: You may equate your self-worth or success with material possessions or financial status, leading to an unhealthy relationship with money.

The Solar Plexus The solar plexus chakra, located in the upper abdomen, is associated with our personal power, self-esteem, and confidence. When this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can impact our relationship with money and financial success.

Having a blocked solar plexus chakra in relation to money can manifest in a variety of ways, such as:

  1. Lack of confidence in financial decision-making: You may feel unsure of yourself or lack confidence in making financial decisions.

  2. Fear of financial instability: You may feel a sense of fear or anxiety around financial instability or the possibility of losing money.

  3. Feeling stuck in your financial situation: You may feel a sense of powerlessness or lack of control in your financial situation.

  4. Difficulty taking action towards financial goals: You may struggle to take action towards your financial goals or to make necessary changes to improve your financial situation.

The Heart Chakra The heart chakra, located in the centre of the chest, is associated with love, compassion, and connection. When this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can impact our relationship with money and financial abundance.

Having a blocked heart chakra in relation to money can manifest in a variety of ways, such as:

  1. Overemphasis on material possessions: You may equate your self-worth or success with material possessions or financial status, leading to an unhealthy relationship with money.

  2. Lack of generosity or abundance mindset: You may struggle to give or to feel a sense of abundance, which can limit your ability to attract financial abundance.

  3. Difficulty receiving financial abundance: You may struggle to receive financial abundance or may feel unworthy of it.

  4. Lack of balance between giving and receiving: You may struggle to find a balance between giving and receiving, which can impact your ability to attract financial abundance.

The Throat Chakra The throat chakra, located in the throat area, is associated with communication, self-expression, and authenticity. When this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can impact our relationship with money and financial abundance.

Having a blocked throat chakra in relation to money can manifest in a variety of ways, such as:

  1. Difficulty communicating about money: You may struggle to talk about money or to ask for what you're worth in financial negotiations.

  2. Fear of being judged for financial decisions: You may feel a sense of fear or anxiety around being judged for your financial decisions or success.

  3. Difficulty setting financial boundaries: You may struggle to set healthy financial boundaries or to say no to financial requests from others.

  4. Lack of authenticity in financial endeavours: You may struggle to express your true financial goals or to be authentic in your financial endeavours.

The 3rd Eye Chakra The third eye chakra, located in the centre of the forehead, is associated with intuition, perception, and clarity. When this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can impact our relationship with money and financial abundance.

Having a blocked third eye chakra in relation to money can manifest in a variety of ways, such as:

  1. Difficulty making wise financial decisions: You may struggle to make wise financial decisions or to perceive the potential risks and benefits of different financial options.

  2. Lack of clarity around financial goals: You may lack clarity around your financial goals or feel uncertain about the direction you want to take with your finances.

  3. Lack of trust in your intuition: You may struggle to trust your intuition when it comes to financial decisions or may ignore your gut feelings.

  4. Overemphasis on logic and rationality: You may overemphasise logic and rationality when making financial decisions, ignoring the intuitive aspects of decision-making.

The Crown Chakra The crown chakra, located at the top of the head, is associated with connection to higher consciousness, spirituality, and purpose. When this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can impact our relationship with money and financial abundance.

Having a blocked crown chakra in relation to money can manifest in a variety of ways, such as:

  1. Lack of connection to a higher purpose: You may feel disconnected from your sense of purpose or meaning when it comes to money and financial abundance.

  2. Difficulty manifesting financial abundance: You may struggle to manifest financial abundance or may feel blocked in your ability to attract wealth and prosperity.

  3. Lack of trust in the universe or a higher power: You may struggle to trust in the universe or a higher power to guide you towards financial success.

  4. Overemphasis on material possessions: You may overemphasise material possessions and financial wealth as a source of happiness and fulfillment.

The Soul Star Chakra The soul star chakra, located above the crown chakra, is associated with spiritual enlightenment, connection to higher consciousness, and the soul's purpose. When this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can impact our relationship with money and financial abundance.

Having a blocked soul star chakra in relation to money can manifest in a variety of ways, such as:

  1. Lack of connection to your soul's purpose: You may feel disconnected from your soul's purpose when it comes to money and financial abundance.

  2. Difficulty manifesting financial abundance aligned with your purpose: You may struggle to manifest financial abundance that is aligned with your soul's purpose or feel blocked in your ability to attract wealth and prosperity that aligns with your values.

  3. Lack of trust in the universe or a higher power: You may struggle to trust in the universe or a higher power to guide you towards financial success in alignment with your soul's purpose.

  4. Overemphasis on material possessions or financial gain: You may overemphasise material possessions and financial wealth as a source of happiness and fulfillment, while neglecting your soul's purpose and values.

You may have more than one blocked energy centre but the good news is that they can be cleared and realigned to the energy of money and wealth so that you can call in more abundance, more money, more clients and more wealth.

FREE Wealth Alignment

To clear your blocks and align your chakra to wealth and abundance

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